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Gray Squirrel 

(Sciurus carolinensis)
Size: 9"-12"
Seasons: Year-round
Habitat: Everywhere there are trees
Description: Large gray-colored squirrel with a brownish tinge and a bushy tail. A melanistic form is entirely black.


American Beaver

(Castor canadensis)

Size  About 45 lb and 3'-4' inc. tail

Seasons: Year-round

Habitat: Aquatic habitats and shorelines.

A large rodent with webbed feet and a flat, black tail. Most often seen swimming or feeding along the shoreline.

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White-Tailed Deer

(Odocoileus virginianus)

Size: Up to 140 pounds and 34" at the shoulder for male bucks; the female does a little smaller.

Seasons: Year-round

Habitat: Larger greenspaces throughout Philadelphia

Description: Our only deer. Males grow antlers in the fall and shed them after breeding season.

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Virginia Opossum

(Didelphis virginiana)

Size: About the size of a house cat

Seasons: Year-round

Habitat: Green spaces and neighborhoods across Philadelphia

Description: The opossum looks like a pale gray rat the size of a cat. They are primarily active at night.

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Woodchuck (Groundhog)

(Marmota monax)
Size: About the size of a house cat
Season: Year-round
Habitat: Open areas throughout Philadelphia
Description: These tan-colored chunky ground squirrels have a short black tail. Look for them in open terrain, including vacant lots.


Red Fox

(Vulpes vulpes)
Size: About 10lb and 2' long. 
Seasons: Year-round
Habitat: Green spaces and neighborhoods across Philadelphia. 
Description: Like a leggy reddish dog with a fluffy, white-tipped tail, familiar in our parks and, at night, in our neighborhoods.


Common Raccoon

(Procyon lotor)

Size: 10-30lb

Seasons: Year-round

Habitat: Everywhere in Philadelphia

Description: Masked face and black-banded fluffy tail with hand-like paws.

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Eastern Chipmunk

(Tamia striatus) 
Size: about 9" long
Seasons: Mostly spring-fall 
Habitat: Open forest and forest edges
Description: A chunky squirrel, brown with bold black and white stripes


Eastern Cottontail

(Sylvilagus floridanus)
Size: About 16" long
Season: Year-round
Habitat: Open areas throughout Philadelphia
Description: Our only rabbit or hare, particularly active dusk to dawn



(Canis latrans)

Size: 35-55lb

Season: Year-round

Habitat: Potentially throughout Philadelphia greenspaces, ranging into neighborhoods

Description: Coyotes look like medium-sized dogs. Note the black-tipped, fluffy tail carried low—mostly active dusk-dawn. 


Striped Skunk

(Mephitis mephitis)

Size: About 2' incl. tail (about the size of a house cat)

Seasons: Year-round

Habitat: Green spaces and neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia

Description: Black with white stripes, long fur, and, of course, a strong odor. Skunks shuffle along at an easygoing pace.


Brown Rat

(Rattus norvegicus)
Size: About 18" long incl. tail
Seasons: Year-round
Habitat: Neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia
Description: Brown with a long tail.


House Mouse

(Mus musculus)
Size: Body about 6" incl. tail
Seasons: Year-round
Habitat: Neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia
Description: The basic mouse of your house, restaurant, and subway platform.


Big Brown Bat

(Eptesicus fuscus)
Size: About 4" long with 12" wingspan
Seasons: Spring-fall
Habitat: Green spaces and neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia
Description: These are particularly easy to observe flying in open spaces such as parks and cemeteries.

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